String Instrument Players

The Heart of Our Orchestra

Violins standing in a rowIn Cañon City, where everyone knows your name, our string players—violins, violas, cellos, and basses—are key to making our orchestra sound like home. We count on you to be there, practice hard, and get your pieces down pat because you’re the backbone of our music.

Weekly Rehearsals

Where We Come Together

Why It Matters: Showing up for our Monday night practices is your chance to blend your sound with the gang, making sure we all hit the right notes together. It's how we make sure our music touches hearts and feels right, like a well-oiled machine.

What We Do: We meet in a spot that’s all set up for us to get down to business, making every practice count. Sticking to a routine helps us all improve and get ready to tackle all sorts of music, feeling confident and prepared.

How It Works: We've got a plan for each practice—starting with small group sessions and then bringing everyone together. Knowing the plan ahead of time means you can come ready to give it your all, helping us all sound unified and spot-on.

Being All In

It’s What Makes Us Shine

Our Big Picture: String instruments are in every tune we play, so we really rely on you to make our performances shine. When you’re all in, our music feels complete and balanced, keeping our orchestra sounding its best.

Digging Deep: It’s not just about showing up; it’s about really getting into the music, feeling its vibe, and understanding how your part fits in. This kind of focus makes our concerts something special that folks really enjoy.

Support on Deck: We’ve got resources to help you nail your parts—like getting the music ahead of time, extra help if you need it, and guidance from folks who know their stuff. We’re all about making sure you feel ready and confident.

Together, We Make Magic

The Magic Touch: Playing in sync is what makes our orchestra feel like magic. It’s about knowing your part inside out and being tuned into the group, so our music tells a story that carries our audience away.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: It takes a good ear and a willingness to blend and adjust with your fellow players. Our practices are set up to help us find that sweet spot, where everyone’s contribution comes together just right.

Learning and Growing Together: Through practice and feedback, we all learn to mesh our sounds, making adjustments as needed. This teamwork doesn’t just make us sound better; it deepens our love and understanding of the music we’re making together.

By sticking to these commitments, every string player not only boosts their own skills but plays a huge part in our orchestra's goal to captivate and move our audience. Your hard work and dedication are what make the Cañon City Chamber Orchestra feel like family and sound like home.


Share Your Passion and Play With Us